En Aks Shahrzad Sepanlou baraye Tamrin bargozari Concertash ba Aghaye Ebi mibashad dar Mah February 2005 Mibashad . va En Matlabro khod Shahrzad dar weblog Khodesh neveshteh bood manam Tasmim Greftam ke baraye shoma doostan en matlab ro bezaram. We go to the park around 8 in the morning. You sit on the baby swing and I on the bigger one. You look at me and smile and wave your tiny hands and say "hi". I smile at you and then look up at the tall trees surrounding us. And there is the sun peaking its head through the leaves. There is city traffic around us and the smell of greasy food coming from some restaurants. The cool of the night is giving way to a typical hot LA day. I am transported to the past and the future. My mind pictures images , sad and happy. I am thinking of so much...of the park next to my house in Iran and the early morning walks with my brand new sandals that got muddy, of the things I need to do today, of how much you have changed my life. It's a strange mix, this responsibility and undying attention that you need. It makes me tired and resenful at times. But I guess I was always more of a free spirit than a girl waiting to get married and pregnant. But here you are and I am so emotionally tied to you and so affected by you that I finally peacefully surrender. And look forward to our mornings in the park for many days to come... .Ba Tashakor Ali Yazdanijoo

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