Ba Salam Madar Bozorg Shahrzad Sepanlou Khanoom Aghdas Manouchehri Nooriala dar Sen 93 Salegi Dar Gozasht Aghdas Manouchehri Nooriala Yeki az nevisandehaye bozorg va Shaerhaye Iran boodand Az Taraf khodam va Tamam Tarfdaran Shahrzad Sepanlou En Mosibat ra be Khanevadehaye Nooriala , Sepanlou , Fassihi Tasliat migooyam Omidvaram Ghame Akhareshoon Basheh.En Aksi ke Moshahedeh mikonid baraye zamani mibashad ke dar sen 90 salegi baraye Zendeh Yad khanoom Aghdas Manouchehri Nooriala Jashne Tavalod Grefteh boodand dar ghesmat Samte rast Aks oon Khanoomi ke lebas Sepid va Shalvar Toosi pooshideh Khanoom Partow Nooriala Madar Shahrzad Sepanlou mibashad.En Neveshteh ro Shahrzad dar weblog khodesh dar rabteh ba Zendeh Yad Aghdas Manouchehri Nooriala Madar bozorgesh neveshteh Ast.My grandmother, Aghdas Manouchehri Nooriala passed away today. She was 93. She was a a poet and a writer, a courageous woman with a heart of gold that had been broken over and over again throughout her life. To say she had a tough life is an understatement. But she worked hard and gave love to those around her and in return she was loved very much. She took me to the park when I was just a baby. Every morning, she would get me from my crib while my parents were sleeping, clean me up and put me in my stroller and take me for a walk through the park. She would tell me later that I was so little that she didn't think taking me to the park would leave an impression on me. I bet she was wrong because I love parks and the outdoors in the wee early morning hours. Perhaps my love of nature and the outdoors started then, although I must admit, that I have lost touch with nature for a long long time now. She bought me my first bicycle when I was a kid in Iran and my first bathing suit in America. She was kind and generous with her money though she never had much of it. She spent what little she had on her family and those she loved and hardly anything on herself. She gave so much love to those around her, shed so many tears for us and prayed with all her heart although her fate had been shaken after the revolution.She cooked the best foods and made the best "sharbats". She was very well-read, wrote a lot and recited long verses of poetry even at her very old age. She finished her autobiography a few years ago which is several hundred pages, hand-written. When she was a teenager, she had dreamed of becoming a pilot but her father's cold response had put an end to that dream. Today around 4 PM, while her daughters were holding her hands and kissing her face and forehead, she took her very last breath. Her very last breath. And she took with it, years of memories, of tears, of laughter, of sadness and happiness, of love and loss and hope. She was a real lady. A lady years ahead of her time.I already miss you grandma. I already miss you! RIP. Ba Tashakor Ali Yazdanijoo
salam, be shahrazad va khanevadash az samiime ghalb tasliat migam:(
Love Negar xxx
Negar, at 10:35 AM
shahrazad = shahrzad
Negar, at 10:36 AM
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