Shahrzad PoP Music

Sunday, February 27, 2005

khob khoda ro shokr concerti ke Shahrzad gofteh bood Ejra shod va ba khanandye khoob keshvaremoon Ebi be Shahrzad tabrik migam man neveshteye shahrzad ro ke khodesh gofteh bood baratoon mizaram ba Aks concert ra Hatman bekhanid.Last night was like one of those dreams that you have where you know it might come true but it just seems too far out of reach. But it happened. I performed two songs with the great singer "Ebi" at Universal Amphitheater infront of 5000+ people. First we performed my song "Eteraz" which he started by belting out the words: "Kojaye in zameen khodaya, jaye moondane, az in sare donya taa oon sar, ghorbate mane.......". Then the orchestra started playing the song and I walked in and to my happiness was greeted by a very warm applause by the audience. After performing "Eteraz", we moved on to one of his beautiful songs called "Ki Ashkaato paak meekone", which really moved the audience and they once again gave a very strong applause at the end. After Ebi and I shook hands, hugged and I walked out, Ebi told the audience some very nice things about me which I will cherish for as long as I live. Through working on this show with Ebi and interacting with him on a personal basis, I have come to realize that someone can be a great and wildly popular artist and at the same time be a humble, kind and caring individual. And that he truly is. He was so kind and gentle with everybody all around him, from the band members, to backup singers, to his fans. Anyway, it was a magical night last night and I felt at home on the great stage of Universal Amphitheatre.
Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bargozari Concert: S h a h r z a d S e p a n l o u

Salam doostan Shahrzad Sepanlou khanandye mahboob va khosh sedaye ma mashghool tadarokat concert ayandeh hastesh . en khabar jadid az Shahrzad va 3 hafteh digeh javab email shoma doostan ro javab mideh .ok enam payam emrooz darbarye shahrzad sepanlou khanadye pop va khosh seda . felan bye
ba Tashakor Ali Yazdanijoo

Monday, February 07, 2005

Salam en aks Aroosi shahrzad va amir hast khodam tarahi kardam dor akso omidvaram khoshetoon biad. ba Tashakor Ali Yazdanijoo Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Salam Doostan Chand rooz pish ageh yadetoon basheh barnamye Real Life Show Be khoonye Khanandye khhoobeman Shahrzad Sepanlou Raftan man en barnamaro zabt kardam va be sourat aks dar avardam ta shoma azizan khoonye Shahrzad ra bebinid aks aroosi va chandat digeh.....................omidvaram khoshetoon Tashakor Ali Yazdanijoo Posted by Hello